1. Create an Integration client (in code)

//1. Import the Integration packages you want to use
import { Slack } from "@trigger.dev/slack";
import { Github } from "@trigger.dev/github";

//2. Create a new instance of the Integration client
const slack = new Slack({
  //this is used to identify the connection
  id: "slack",

//GitHub supports OAuth (as well as Personal Access Tokens)
const github = new Github({
  //this is used to identify the connection
  id: "github",

When using OAuth, you only need to specify the id.

2. Use the Integration client

There are two way to use Integrations in a Job:

  • You can perform Tasks in the run function, by passing the Integration client into the integrations object.
  • You can use webhooks to Trigger a Job.

This example send a Slack message when someone stars the trigger.dev GitHub repo 🤩.

  id: "star-slack-notification",
  name: "New Star Slack Notification",
  version: "0.1.0",
  //1. If you want to use the Integration in the run function, add it here
  integrations: { slack },
  //2. If the Integration supports webhooks, you can use them here
  trigger: github.triggers.repo({
    event: events.onNewStar,
    owner: "triggerdotdev",
    repo: "empty",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    //3. Because we add `slack` to Integrations, it comes through to `io.slack` here
    const response = await io.slack.postMessage("Slack star", {
      text: `${payload.sender.login} starred ${payload.repository.full_name}.\nTotal: ${payload.repository.stargazers_count}⭐️`,
      channel: "C04GWUTDC3W",

3. Creating the OAuth connection in the dashboard

Now you need to setup the OAuth client in the dashboard. You will use the id that you specified in your code to associate them.

  1. Go to the “Integrations page” in your dashboard. Click the Integration you want to setup.

  2. Select OAuth as the authentication type.

  3. Select “Developer” as the user type.

  4. Enter the id that you specified in your code. Select the scopes that you want and enter a unique title.

  5. Click the Connect button, it will take you through the OAuth flow.

4. Viewing your connection clients

The Integrations page

The "Integrations" page shows

  1. Some of the APIs that you can use with Trigger.dev (you can use any API). Selecting one of these will give you instructions on how to use it.
  2. Your connected integrations. Clicking these will give you more details on that connection.

Connected OAuth integration detail page

Some useful things on this page

  1. The id that you gave the connection when you defined it in your code
  2. The Jobs that are using this connection
  3. All the connections associated with this Integration client (there will be more than one if you’re authenticated your users)
  4. The scopes that this connection has access to
