Hono is a fast & lightweight web framework built on top of Web Standards, and we support using Hono with Trigger.dev on Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Deno, and Node.js.

Installing Required Packages

To begin, install the necessary packages in your Hono project:

npm add @trigger.dev/sdk@latest @trigger.dev/hono@latest

Obtain the Development Server API Key

To locate your development Server API key, login to the Trigger.dev dashboard and select the Project you want to connect to. Then click on the Environments & API Keys tab in the left menu. You can copy your development Server API Key from the field at the top of this page. (Your development key will start with tr_dev_).

Configure Environment Variables

Add the following environment variables to your .env file (or .dev.vars file if you are using Cloudflare Workers):

TRIGGER_API_KEY=<development server api key>
TRIGGER_API_URL=https://api.trigger.dev # change this if you are self-hosting

Replace <development server api key> with the actual API key obtained from the previous step.

Enable Node.js compatibility

If you are using Cloudflare Workers, you’ll need to enable Node.js compatibility mode in your wrangler.toml file:

compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]

Add Middelware to Your Hono app

Our @trigger.dev/hono package provides two different ways of configuring the necessary middleware needed to connect your Hono app to Trigger.dev. addMiddleware which should be used for Cloudflare Workers, and createMiddleware which can be used with Bun, Deno, and Node.js.

Cloudflare Workers

Because environment variables in Cloudflare Workers aren’t available in the global scope, but are instead available only inside the fetch handler, we need to use the addMiddleware function to add the necessary middleware to your Hono app.

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { addMiddleware } from "@trigger.dev/hono";
import { TriggerClient } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";

const app = new Hono<{
  Bindings: {
    TRIGGER_API_KEY: string;
    TRIGGER_API_URL: string;

addMiddleware(app, (env) => {
  const client = new TriggerClient({
    id: "hono-client",
    apiKey: env.TRIGGER_API_KEY,
    apiUrl: env.TRIGGER_API_URL,

  return client;

// Your other routes here

export default app;

The second argument to addMiddleware is a function that receives the environment variables (either from .dev.vars in development or from Cloudflare when deployed), and returns a TriggerClient instance. This function will be called once per request.

If you want, you can extract our the function that creates the TriggerClient instance into a separate file, and import it into your index.ts file:

import { TriggerClient } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";

export function triggerClient(apiKey: string, apiUrl: string) {
  const client = new TriggerClient({
    id: "hono-client",

  return client;

Now that you’ve created the TriggerClient and setup the middleware, you can add your first job:

import { TriggerClient } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";
import { exampleJob } from "./jobs";

export function triggerClient(apiKey: string, apiUrl: string) {
  const client = new TriggerClient({
    id: "hono-client",


  return client;

As you can see above in jobs.ts, we define our first job using the new Job constructor from @trigger.dev/sdk, and then in trigger-client.ts we attach the job to the TriggerClient instance.


If you are using Bun, you can use the createMiddleware function to create the necessary middleware to connect your Hono app to Trigger.dev and define your TriggerClient and jobs in the global scope:

import { createMiddleware } from "@trigger.dev/hono";
import { TriggerClient, invokeTrigger } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";
import { Hono } from "hono";

const app = new Hono();

const client = new TriggerClient({
  id: "hono-client",
  apiKey: Bun.env.TRIGGER_API_KEY, // Bun.env is available in the global scope
  apiUrl: Bun.env.TRIGGER_API_URL, // Bun.env is available in the global scope

  id: "example-job",
  name: "Example Job",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: invokeTrigger(),
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.logger.info("Hello world!", { payload });

    return {
      message: "Hello world!",

app.use("/api/trigger", createMiddleware(client));

// The rest of your routes here

export default app;


Import trigger.dev packages with Deno using npm: specifiers:

import { createMiddleware } from "npm:@trigger.dev/hono@latest";
import { TriggerClient, invokeTrigger } from "npm:@trigger.dev/sdk@latest";
import { Hono } from "npm:hono"; // Make sure to use the npm specifier for hono as well

To load a .env file on startup, pass the deno run command a --env flag:

deno run --env --allow-net --watch index.ts

You can also load an environment variables file in code using the dotenv package:

import { load } from "https://deno.land/std@0.208.0/dotenv/mod.ts";
const env = await load();

In which case you need to pass the --allow-env and --allow-read flags:

deno run --allow-env --allow-net --allow-read --watch index.ts

Now we can create the TriggerClient, define our jobs, and create the middleware:

const app = new Hono();

const client = new TriggerClient({
  id: "hono-client",
  apiKey: env["TRIGGER_API_KEY"],
  apiUrl: env["TRIGGER_API_URL"],

  id: "example-job",
  name: "Example Job",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: invokeTrigger(),
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.logger.info("Hello world!", { payload });

    return {
      message: "Hello world!",

app.use("/api/trigger", createMiddleware(client));

// The rest of your routes here



Node.js works very similarly to Deno and Bun, in that you can define the TriggerClient and jobs in the global scope, and then create the middleware and add it to your Hono app:

import "dotenv/config";
import { serve } from "@hono/node-server";
import { Hono } from "hono";
import { createMiddleware } from "@trigger.dev/hono";
import { TriggerClient, invokeTrigger } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";

const app = new Hono();

const client = new TriggerClient({
  id: "hono-client",
  apiKey: process.env.TRIGGER_API_KEY!,
  apiUrl: process.env.TRIGGER_API_URL!,

  id: "example-job",
  name: "Example Job",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: invokeTrigger(),
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.logger.info("Hello world!", { payload });

    return {
      message: "Hello world!",

app.use("/api/trigger", createMiddleware(client));

// Your other routes here

serve(app, (info) => {
  console.log(`Listening on port ${info.port}`);


Cloudflare Workers

Run your Hono app locally, like you normally would. For example:

npm run dev

In a separate terminal window or tab run:

npx @trigger.dev/cli@latest dev --client-id hono-client -p 8787 -H localhost


Run your Hono app locally, like you normally would. For example:

bun run index.ts

In a separate terminal window or tab run:

npx @trigger.dev/cli@latest dev --client-id hono-client -p 8787 -H localhost


Run your Hono app locally, like you normally would. For example:

deno run --env --allow-net --watch index.ts

In a separate terminal window or tab run:

npx @trigger.dev/cli@latest dev --client-id hono-client -p 8000 -H


Run your Hono app locally, like you normally would. For example:

npm run dev

In a separate terminal window or tab run:

npx @trigger.dev/cli@latest dev --client-id hono-client -p 8787